About school closings
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School is the living space of the child, here it is not prepared to life and living. For the future of every child the necessary knowledge of mathematics. Mathematics - severe, complex and exact science. It is this ancient and comprehensive science knows no age restrictions. The study of mathematics creates wide opportunities for the development of mental abilities in primary school: memory, logic and critical thinking, intuition, attention, imagination, information, culture, formation of initial skills of evidence-based reasoning and to explain their actions to matematiktorvet the real situation. Even Blaise Pascal wrote that "mathematics is so serious that it is useful not to miss the opportunity to make it a little more interesting"

School closings

We have a secondary school attended by many students. In this school year, the school has successfully passed accreditation and received the license. We, the parents, the school administration said that the school want to reorganize in the main. And yesterday on the website of the school closings a letter on school closings General administration of. Moreover, the letter States that the decision was made at the meeting of citizens. In fact, no meetings were not held, and of course all parents against school closings.

The temperature at which school cancellations

-25 C and lower in the wind with a speed of 2 meters per second, and more - in 1-4 classes;
-30 C and below at a wind with a speed of 2 meters per second, and more - in grades 1-9;
-35 degrees and below at a wind with a speed of 2 meters per second, and more - in 1-11(12) classes, professional lyceums, colleges (for students of 1-2 courses);
- in case of wind speed greater than 2 m / s, temperature threshold is increased to -5 C.

School delays is underdevelopment of higher mental functions, which can be temporary and be compensated if corrective influence in childhood or adolescence. Is expressed in the failure of the total stock of knowledge, limited views, immaturity of thinking, a small intellectual focus, the predominance's interests, fast Presidentti in intellectual activity. My school is a three-storeyed building. It is quite big with sport ground behind it, inside swimming pool. On the groundfloor there are the classrooms for the primary-school pupils, workshops, library. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops. The boys of our school have a woodwork room too. There is a room for manual works for girls. Teachers teach them how to cook, sew and design clothes. Our school library is nice and clean. Middle school, an educational institution aimed to provide students with systematic knowledge of the basic Sciences as well as the relevant skills, which are necessary to obtain further training and higher education. Offering a project for school ratings, we define the rating as the original Navigator for those who want to give their children a decent education. Using it, you can make the necessary choices.


School cancellations

The rating does not determine the position of the school once and for all, the data will be constantly updated. Will change consumer demands-will change the direction of the rating.

We are sure that school ratings, as a form of independent evaluation of quality of education:

will provide parents with reliable information on key issues of quality of education services provided by schools and will help parents to choose a school or evaluation of the school, where their children study;
will provide the Directors of schools compare the quality of education "their" schools with others, to identify, what their strengths and weaknesses and will provide information for the analysis of the reasons for the delay and will help in the selection of priority areas to ensure high quality of education;


School delays

Will provide managers and specialists of the education management bodies correct comparative evaluation of the activity of subordinated organizations in the field of quality assurance of education for analysis and making effective management decisions. If you are reading these lines, it means that you have already decided, why do we need school websites, and you need information about how to create a website for your school.

There are three possible answers to this question. Order creating a school website with professionals, to make independently with minimal cost, or create a school website for free. Consider all the pros and cons of these methods create sites. At a time when rethink your priorities in life and concepts. It would seem that the ratings and such things exist only in higher educational institutions. But it is not, rate my school also exists, it is the end of the school year. In independent schools in the UK are trained not more than 10 percent of all students. Schools are largely self-governing, although to a certain extent regulated centrally by the Department of education and employment, UK - DfEE.

From the state they are distinguished by a number of peculiarities in the field of financing, organization, management and control. In General, almost half of alternative schools are denominational Catholic or Protestant - and supported by the relevant local communities.

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